The monoclonal antibody 18A2 recognizes an extracellular epitope of CD140b / PDGF-RB, the 180-190 kDa beta chain of platelet-derived growth factor receptor, which is widely expressed on a variety of mesenchymal-derived cells and plays pro-proliferative roles.
Platelet derived growth factor receptor beta,CD140b / PDGF-RB (platelet-derived growth factor receptor beta) is a cell surface receptor for members of platelet-derived growth factor family, whose intracellular part contains a tyrosine kinase domain. CD140b forms homodimers, or heterodimerizes with CD140a / PDGF-RA. Whereas CD140a can have both pro-proliferative or anti-proliferative effects, the CD140b induces in various cell types their proliferation and migration. CD140b has also developmental roles in the cardiovascular system and is preferentially expressed on some tumours such as medulloblastoma.,PDGFRB, PDGFR1