+49 (0)241 95 163 153
+49 (0)241 95 163 155

GJD2 Produits

(Gap Junction Protein, delta 2, 36kDa (GJD2))


This gene encodes a member of the connexin protein family. Connexins are gap junction proteins which are arranged in groups of 6 around a central pore to form a connexon, a component of the gap junction intercellular channel. The channels formed by this protein allow cationic molecule exchange between human beta cells and may function in the regulation of insulin secretion. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2012]. est synonyme de produits de recherche de haute qualité. Cherchez, trouvez et commandez des outils avec des données de validation étendues, des images, des références. Notre service clientèle scientifique est toujours à votre disposition si vous avez des questions sur la sélection ou l'application de nos produits.

Catégories GJD2 en vedette

GJD2 Anticorps

High quality antibodies with extensive validation data.

GJD2 Protéines

Proteins for various applications incl. WB, ELISA, IF etc.

GJD2 recommandé Anticorps

N° du produit
Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Application WB, ELISA, IHC, IF
  • (4)
N° du produit ABIN7153633
Quantité 100 μg
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Cow, Dog, Guinea Pig, Horse, Human, Mouse, Rabbit, Rat, Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
Application WB, IHC
  • (4)
N° du produit ABIN2774866
Quantité 100 μL
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Application WB, ELISA
  • (2)
N° du produit ABIN1327167
Quantité 100 μg
Fiche technique Fiche technique

GJD2 recommandé Protéines

N° du produit
Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Source Wheat germ
  • (1)
N° du produit ABIN1355154
Quantité 10 μg
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Mouse
Source Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
N° du produit ABIN3131781
Quantité 1 mg
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Source Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
N° du produit ABIN3108195
Quantité 1 mg
Fiche technique Fiche technique

Dernières publications sur nos produits GJD2

Farnsworth, Walter, Piscopio, Schleicher, Benninger: "Exendin-4 overcomes cytokine-induced decreases in gap junction coupling via protein kinase A and Epac2 in mouse and human islets." dans: The Journal of physiology, Vol. 597, Issue 2, pp. 431-447, (2019) (PubMed).

Yu, Berga, Johnston-MacAnanny, Sidell, Bagchi, Bagchi, Taylor: "Endometrial Stromal Decidualization Responds Reversibly to Hormone Stimulation and Withdrawal." dans: Endocrinology, Vol. 157, Issue 6, pp. 2432-46, (2016) (PubMed).

Moore, Zhou, Sirois, Belinsky, Zecevic, Antic: "Connexin hemichannels contribute to spontaneous electrical activity in the human fetal cortex." dans: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 111, Issue 37, pp. E3919-28, (2014) (PubMed).

de Brouwer, Pennings, Roeters, Van Hauwe, Astuto, Hoefsloot, Huygen, van den Helm, Deutman, Bork, Kimberling, Cremers, Cremers, Kremer: "Mutations in the calcium-binding motifs of CDH23 and the 35delG mutation in GJB2 cause hearing loss in one family." dans: Human genetics, Vol. 112, Issue 2, pp. 156-63, (2003) (PubMed).

Synonymes et noms alternatifs relatifs à GJD2

gap junction protein delta 2 (GJD2), gap junction protein, delta 2 (Gjd2), gap junction protein delta 2 (Gjd2), connexin36, Cx35.1, CX36, Cx36, cx36, GJA9, Gja9, GJD2

Protein level used designations for GJD2

  • connexin 36
  • connexin-36
  • gap junction alpha-9 protein
  • gap junction delta-2 protein
  • connexin 35.1
  • gap junction channel-forming protein
  • gap junction membrane channel protein alpha 9
  • gap junction protein, alpha 9, 36kDa
  • gap junction protein, alpha 9, 59kDa
  • gap junction protein, delta 2, 36kDa
  • gap junction protein, alpha 9
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