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Histone 3 Produits

(Histone 3 (H3))


Histones are basic nuclear proteins that are responsible for the nucleosome structure of the chromosomal fiber in eukaryotes. This structure consists of approximately 146 bp of DNA wrapped around a nucleosome, an octamer composed of pairs of each of the four core histones (H2A, H2B, H3, and H4). The chromatin fiber is further compacted through the interaction of a linker histone, H1, with the DNA between the nucleosomes to form higher order chromatin structures. This gene is intronless and encodes a member of the histone H3 family. Transcripts from this gene lack polyA tails\; instead, they contain a palindromic termination element. This gene is found in the large histone gene cluster on chromosome 6p22-p21.3. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]. est synonyme de produits de recherche de haute qualité. Cherchez, trouvez et commandez des outils avec des données de validation étendues, des images, des références. Notre service clientèle scientifique est toujours à votre disposition si vous avez des questions sur la sélection ou l'application de nos produits.

Catégories Histone 3 en vedette

Histone 3 Anticorps

High quality antibodies with extensive validation data.

Histone 3 Kits ELISA

Reliable ELISA kits for a wide range of species.

Histone 3 Protéines

Proteins for various applications incl. WB, ELISA, IF etc.

Histone 3 recommandé Anticorps

N° du produit
Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Application WB, IF, ChIP, IP, ChIP-seq, CUT&RUN
  • (4)
  • (21)
  • (1)
N° du produit ABIN3023251
Quantité 100 μL
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Human, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Application WB, IF, ChIP, ICC, DB, ChIP-seq, CUT&RUN, CUT&Tag
  • (23)
  • (5)
  • (1)
N° du produit ABIN2668475
Quantité 100 μg
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Human, Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Application WB, IF, ChIP, ICC, DB, ChIP-seq, CUT&RUN
  • (4)
  • (1)
N° du produit ABIN6971977
Quantité 100 μg
Fiche technique Fiche technique

Histone 3 recommandé Kits ELISA

Analytical Method
N° du produit
Fiche technique
Reactivity Human, Mouse, Rat
Analytical Method Quantitative Sandwich ELISA
  • (1)
  • (1)
N° du produit ABIN6956558
Quantité 96 tests
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Human, Mouse
Analytical Method Semi-Quantitative Sandwich ELISA
  • (3)
N° du produit ABIN5526683
Quantité 96 tests
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Mouse
Analytical Method Quantitative Sandwich ELISA
  • (1)
N° du produit ABIN6962869
Quantité 96 tests
Fiche technique Fiche technique

Histone 3 recommandé Protéines

N° du produit
Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Source Escherichia coli (E. coli)
  • (3)
N° du produit ABIN2669568
Quantité 25 μg
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Source Escherichia coli (E. coli)
  • (3)
N° du produit ABIN2669567
Quantité 25 μg
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Source Escherichia coli (E. coli)
  • (3)
N° du produit ABIN2669569
Quantité 25 μg
Fiche technique Fiche technique

Dernières publications sur nos produits Histone 3

Zhang, Deng, Kukanja, Agirre, Bartosovic, Dong, Ma, Ma, Su, Bao, Liu, Xiao, Rosoklija, Dwork, Mann, Leong, Boldrini, Wang, Haeussler, Raphael, Kluger, Castelo-Branco, Fan: "Spatial epigenome-transcriptome co-profiling of mammalian tissues." dans: Nature, Vol. 616, Issue 7955, pp. 113-122, (2023) (PubMed).

Sun, Li, Zhang, Li, Wu, Gao, Liu, Zhou, Mei: "Nrf2 Activation Attenuates Chronic Constriction Injury-Induced Neuropathic Pain via Induction of PGC-1α-Mediated Mitochondrial Biogenesis in the Spinal Cord." dans: Oxidative medicine and cellular longevity, Vol. 2021, pp. 9577874, (2022) (PubMed).

Wang, Zhao, Liu, Wang, Qiao, Yi, Jiang, Kou, Zhao, Yin, Li, Wang, Jiang, Gao, Chen: "BMP4 preserves the developmental potential of mESCs through Ube2s- and Chmp4b-mediated chromosomal stability safeguarding." dans: Protein & cell, (2022) (PubMed).

Johnson, Drugan, Miller, Evans: "38" dans: , Vol. 1363, Issue Nucleic acids research, pp. 28-39, (1991)

Zambanini, Nordin, Jonasson, Pagella, Cantù: "A new cut&run low volume-urea (LoV-U) protocol optimized for transcriptional co-factors uncovers Wnt/b-catenin tissue-specific genomic targets." dans: Development (Cambridge, England), (2022) (PubMed).

Kee, Thudium, Renner, Glastad, Palozola, Zhang, Li, Lan, Cesare, Poleshko, Kiseleva, Truitt, Cardenas-Diaz, Zhang, Xie, Kotton, Alysandratos, Epstein, Shi et al.: "SARS-CoV-2 disrupts host epigenetic regulation via histone mimicry." dans: Nature, (2022) (PubMed).

Deng, Bartosovic, Kukanja, Zhang, Liu, Su, Enninful, Bai, Castelo-Branco, Fan: "Spatial-CUT&Tag: Spatially resolved chromatin modification profiling at the cellular level." dans: Science (New York, N.Y.), Vol. 375, Issue 6581, pp. 681-686, (2022) (PubMed).

Guyon, Zacharias, van Lunteren, Immenschuh, Fuzik, Märtin, Xuan, Zilberter, Kim, Meletis, Lopes-Aguiar, Carlén: "Adult trkB signaling in parvalbumin interneurons is essential to prefrontal network dynamics." dans: The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, (2021) (PubMed).

Synonymes et noms alternatifs relatifs à Histone 3

histocompatibility 3 (H3), H-3

Protein level used designations for Histone 3

  • histocompatibility 3
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