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Keratin Associated Protein 9-8 Protéines

(Keratin Associated Protein 9-8 (KRTAP9-8))
This protein is a member of the keratin-associated protein (KAP) family. The KAP proteins form a matrix of keratin intermediate filaments which contribute to the structure of hair fibers. KAP family members appear to have unique, family-specific amino- and carboxyl-terminal regions and are subdivided into three multi-gene families according to amino acid composition: the high sulfur, the ultrahigh sulfur, and the high tyrosine/glycine KAPs. This protein is a member of the ultrahigh sulfur KAP family and the gene is localized to a cluster of KAPs at 17q12-q21. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]. est synonyme de produits de recherche de haute qualité. Cherchez, trouvez et commandez des outils avec des données de validation étendues, des images, des références. Notre service clientèle scientifique est toujours à votre disposition si vous avez des questions sur la sélection ou l'application de nos produits.

Keratin Associated Protein 9-8 recommandé Protéines

N° du produit
Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Source Wheat germ
  • (1)
N° du produit ABIN2565228
Quantité 25 μg
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Source Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum)
N° du produit ABIN3082815
Quantité 1 mg
Fiche technique Fiche technique

Synonymes et noms alternatifs relatifs à Keratin Associated Protein 9-8

keratin associated protein 9-8 (KRTAP9-8), KAP9.8, KRTAP9.8

Protein level used designations for Keratin Associated Protein 9-8

  • keratin associated protein 9.8
  • keratin-associated protein 9-8
  • keratin-associated protein 9.8
  • ultrahigh sulfur keratin-associated protein 9.8
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