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S100A8/A9 Complex (Calprotectin) Produits

(S100 Calcium Binding Protein A8/A9 (S100A8/A9))


The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the S100 family of proteins containing 2 EF-hand calcium-binding motifs. S100 proteins are localized in the cytoplasm and/or nucleus of a wide range of cells, and involved in the regulation of a number of cellular processes such as cell cycle progression and differentiation. S100 genes include at least 13 members which are located as a cluster on chromosome 1q21. This protein may function in the inhibition of casein kinase and altered expression of this protein is associated with the disease cystic fibrosis. [provided by RefSeq, Jul 2008]. est synonyme de produits de recherche de haute qualité. Cherchez, trouvez et commandez des outils avec des données de validation étendues, des images, des références. Notre service clientèle scientifique est toujours à votre disposition si vous avez des questions sur la sélection ou l'application de nos produits.

Catégories S100A8/A9 Complex (Calprotectin) en vedette

S100A8/A9 Complex (Calprotectin) Anticorps

High quality antibodies with extensive validation data.

S100A8/A9 Complex (Calprotectin) recommandé Anticorps

N° du produit
Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Application WB
N° du produit ABIN872370
Quantité 100 μL
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Application WB
N° du produit ABIN906980
Quantité 100 μL
Fiche technique Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Application WB
N° du produit ABIN906977
Quantité 100 μL
Fiche technique Fiche technique

S100A8/A9 Complex (Calprotectin) recommandé Kits ELISA

Analytical Method
N° du produit
Fiche technique
Reactivity Human
Analytical Method Quantitative Sandwich ELISA
N° du produit ABIN6730234
Quantité 96 tests
Fiche technique Fiche technique

Dernières publications sur nos produits S100A8/A9 Complex (Calprotectin)

Ghavami, Rashedi, Dattilo, Eshraghi, Chazin, Hashemi, Wesselborg, Kerkhoff, Los: "S100A8/A9 at low concentration promotes tumor cell growth via RAGE ligation and MAP kinase-dependent pathway." dans: Journal of leukocyte biology, Vol. 83, Issue 6, pp. 1484-92, (2008) (PubMed).

Altwegg, Neidhart, Hersberger, Müller, Eberli, Corti, Roffi, Sütsch, Gay, von Eckardstein, Wischnewsky, Lüscher, Maier: "Myeloid-related protein 8/14 complex is released by monocytes and granulocytes at the site of coronary occlusion: a novel, early, and sensitive marker of acute coronary syndromes." dans: European heart journal, Vol. 28, Issue 8, pp. 941-8, (2007) (PubMed).

Rosenberger, Thorey, Werner, Boukamp: "A novel regulator of telomerase. S100A8 mediates differentiation-dependent and calcium-induced inhibition of telomerase activity in the human epidermal keratinocyte line HaCaT." dans: The Journal of biological chemistry, Vol. 282, Issue 9, pp. 6126-35, (2007) (PubMed).

Synonymes et noms alternatifs relatifs à S100A8/A9 Complex (Calprotectin)

S100 calcium binding protein A9 (S100A9), 60B8AG, CAGB, CFAG, CGLB, L1AG, LIAG, MAC387, MIF, MRP14, NIF, P14

Protein level used designations for S100A8/A9 Complex (Calprotectin)

  • MRP-14
  • S100 calcium-binding protein A9 (calgranulin B)
  • calgranulin B
  • calgranulin-B
  • calprotectin L1H subunit
  • leukocyte L1 complex heavy chain
  • migration inhibitory factor-related protein 14
  • protein S100-A9
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