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+49 (0)241 95 163 155

TBC1D30 Anticorps

(TBC1 Domain Family, Member 30 (TBC1D30))
GTPase-activating protein (GAP) with broad specificity. Acts as a GAP for RAB3A. Also exhibits significant GAP activity toward RAB22A, RAB27A, and RAB35 in vitro (By similarity).

TBC1D30 Anticorps fréquemment utilisés

Dernières publications pour nos TBC1D30 Anticorps

Stadler, Rexhepaj, Singan, Murphy, Pepperkok, Uhlén, Simpson, Lundberg: "Immunofluorescence and fluorescent-protein tagging show high correlation for protein localization in mammalian cells." dans: Nature methods, Vol. 10, Issue 4, pp. 315-23, (2013) (PubMed).

Pseudonymes pour TBC1D30 Anticorps

TBC1 domain family member 30 (TBC1D30) Anticorps
TBC1 domain family, member 30 (Tbc1d30) Anticorps
4930505D03Rik Anticorps
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